This Nobuyuki Mizuoka composition was performed solo by him on June 27, 2013. During certain informal live gigs at local venues around Tokyo, Mizuoka-san would habitually play 9 to 13 complete, original songs non-stop. All or most of them — with the likely exception of any brand-new melody — he would play entirely from memory, inserting innovative, intriguing shifts in subtlety, whimsy and drama at just the right moments. So it’s simply not practical for the eager listener at a subsequent performance to expect a verbatim repeat of any gems of phrasing that Mizuoka-san had played before — this is virtually impossible for him to do! Creativity always ‘has the upper hand’ with this piano player. Meet Again was published six years later on Mizuoka’s “Pianism” album in 2019.

Nobuyuki Mizuoka Official Website
Mizuoka Nobuyuki Group on Youtube
The unique melodies of Composer-Pianist Nobuyuki Mizuoka are routinely featured in the background music of the TV-Asahi Channel’s 秘湯ロマン (“Hitou Roman”— Hidden Hot Spring Romance) program in Japan. “Hitou Roman” was profiled in Yahoo News Japan in October 2018, the program’s 20th Anniversary Year: